A terribly designed package doesn’t reflect on the quality of tea. Beautifully crafted tea packages, though, typically hide poorly crafted tea inside. I don’t think much about a package before…
Glass floored gondolas crawl across the sky of Muzha mountain. As I slid into my seat watching the station set under the gondola, I turned around to see the highlands…
Somewhere in the vocabulary of relatively fresh tea drinkers, nestled between oxidation and Wuyi, sits the word, Tieguanyin. When a new tea drinker thirsts for knowledge and finds me in…
Tea producing styles shift according to the market. Different styles emerge and what was once popular wanes to meet demand for the next trend. Tieguanyin oolong, known as Iron Goddess…
Oriental Beauty oolong, or Bai Hao oolong has gained quite a following recently. The concept arose out of Hsinchu, a northwestern county in Taiwan. Forgive me reader, as I do…
In the presence of such a venerable, old tea, time becomes a distant construct. It’s only after looking down at an empty cup do we feel the profound debt we…
A disclosure upon you, dear Reader, this is a love letter. I must confess I don’t believe in gallant, young half-truths of falling in love at first sight. So it is…
A chill in the air deafened the heat in NY the last three days. Thank goodness. My room was getting pretty muggy at night. It’s the signaling of the changing…